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Prince Harry presents Commonwealth Person of the Year Award
Prince Harry’s speech at the Commonwealth Youth Forum
Next Head of Commonwealth
Commonwealth Countries Map (2011)
Queen sends condolences to grieving families of the Humboldt Broncos junior hockey team
The #pitchatpalace Commonwealth People’s Choice Award is OPEN!
Prince Harry launches 'Walk of America' as he becomes patron of expedition
Prince Harry appointed President of The Queen's Commonwealth Trust
#WalkOfAmerica launch by Prince Harry
Find out more about the new charity, @queenscomtrust
Prince Harry will give a speech at the “Queen’s Birthday Concert”
The Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, has appointed His Royal Highness Prince Harry Commonwealth Yout
Prince Harry speaks about The Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy
#Commonwealth needs thunder clap of reform.
Every four years these Games bring the spirit of our Commonwealth alive
The Prince of Wales’s Address at the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games 2018
The next Commonwealth Games will be held in Birmingham in 2022.
Scotland on Prince Charles as Head of the Commonwealth